Working in Social Care – A career without limits?

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Social care is a hugely rewarding sector to work in. Nearly 1.7 million people work in social care, providing physical, emotional and social support to help people live their lives. It allows people to continue to develop, maintaining their independence with dignity and control.

Social care covers a broad spectrum of society from children to adults and you could help people in their own homes, in residential homes or in a number of other places such as day centres or supported housing.

So, why would you want to work in Social Care?

  1. You can really make a difference to someones life. Whether its sitting and listening over a cup of tea or helping someone achieve something. Social care is often cited as one of the most rewarding jobs going. Working with people that genuinely need your help, especially when you achieve positive outcomes.
  2. It’s a sector in demand. There are always roles available. It’s often said that it’s recession proof. A good care worker in whatever discipline will always be in demand. (Just ask us, we can’t get enough! ha) With 1.7 million currently working in the sector, it’s set to rise to 2.2 million by 2025.
  3. It’s a career. You could start at 18 and working until retirement. Not a prospect everyone relishes! – But it’s the reality of the sector. It offers incredible opportunities for progression with training and formal qualifications often paid for by the employers. As we say in Sky, it’s a career without limits!
  4. The amount of different roles available in the social care are so diverse. You could work in a direct care role, management, administration or ancillary such as kitchen or domestic roles. This could be in the community, a care home, a hospice, an office or in someone’s own home.
  5. It’s evolving, as a sector it doesn’t rest on its laurels and it’s constantly changing. New ways of delivering care and support are trialled and rolled out throughout the county and in different sub sectors. New things to learn, new ways of doing things, better ways to improve peoples lives.
  6. Last but not least; Everyday is different! Although a cliche, it still has a lot of merit! Each day presents itself with a range of challenges, especially as your working with people!

    Isn’t it time you embraced the opportunity to work in Social Care!

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